
par u penziji;
medicinska radnica (zubna tehničarka),
poslovođa u IKARUSU, (mašinski tehničar)
Godišta 1943., 1940.

retired couple;
medical worker (dental technician)
manager for the IKARUS (mechanical technician)
born 1943, 1940.


Istoričarka umetnosti,
Godište 1969.
Živi sama.

Art historian,
Born 1969
Lives by herself.


Inspektorka rada,
godište 1980.
živi sama.

Labour inspector,
born 1980,
lives by herself


bračni par sa decom,
dizajnerka obuće,
učenici srednje škole
godišta 1968, 1967., 1995. i 1997.

married couple with children,
building contractor,
shoe designer,
secondary school students,
born 1968, 1967., 1995. and 1997.


Majka, kći sa dvoje dece.
godista: 1955, 1980, 2000 i 2001.
umetnica u penziji,
učenici osnovne škole

Mother, daughter with two children,
born: 1955, 1980, 2000 and 2001.
artist in retirement,
designer and
primary students.


profesorka jezika,
1947. godiste,
dvoje odrasle dece,
stanuje sama.

language teacher
born 1947
two adult children
lives alone